Best of Convention - Gabriel Puscasu Mystyle Tattoo - Villabassa (BZ)
Best of Convention - Domenico Ferone - 7Ink Tattoo - Reggio Emilia
Best of Convention - Andrea De Paola Ink House Tattoo - Pisa
Best Realistic - Andrea De Paola Ink House Tattoo - Pisa
Best Realistic - Gabriel Puscasu Mystyle Tattoo - Villabassa (BZ)
Best Realistic - Danile Ciprian Tattoo Bolzano
Best of the Day - Daniel Ciprian Tattoo - Bolzano
Best of the Day - Gabriel Puscasu - Mystyle Tattoo - Villabassa (BZ)
Best of the Day - Domenico Ferone Seventh Ink Tattoo - Reggio Emilia
Best Traditional Old New School - Domenico Ferone di Seventh Ink Tattoo - Reggio Emilia
Best Traditional Old New School - Enzo Napoli Rock'n Roll Tattoo - Senago (MI)
Best Traditional Old New School - Michele Lamonaca GDA Tattoo - Rovellasca (CO)
Best Outer of Convention - Patrick Bressan Devotion Tattoo Family - Merano (BZ)
Best outer of Convention - Domenico Ferone Seventh Ink - Reggio Emilia
Best outer of Convention - Gabriel Puscasu Mystyle Tattoo - Villabassa (BZ)
Best Color - Daniel Ciprian Tattoo - Bolzano
Best Color - Clorex Art Tattoo - Ink Lab Tattoo Studio - Carate Brianza (MB)
Best Color - Mastro Lucillo
Best Black - Andrea Fenk Ink Lab Tattoo Studio - Carate Brianza (MB)
Best Black - Misha Tamuletz Empire Tattoo Bolzano
Best Black - Andrea Bruno Rock'n Roll Tattoo Studio - Senago (MI)
Best Tribal Dotwork Geometric - Matteo Perinelli Inkwave Tattoo - Lazise (VR)
Best Tribal Dotwork Geometric - Patrick Bressan Devotion Tattoo Familiy - Merano (BZ)
Best Tribal Dotwork Geometric - Davide La Zona - Genova